We’ve already talked about why training is important. But how you train your puppy is equally as important.
Puppy training is successful only when performed properly. If you’re being too strict the pup will paralyze and won’t be able to understand what’s being asked of him. On the other hand, being over-indulgent can turn the training into a play.
Let’s now dig in on dos ad don’ts in puppy training:
Do concentrate on your pup while you’re training them. While you’re trying to teach your pup you need to be laser focused on their behavior. In the beginning they’ll be confused and act silly, but as you continue with training this will change.
Do make it fun. Your training session need to be enjoyable so that your puppy is willing to cooperate.
Do teach him one command at a time. If you send them too many signals your pup will be puzzled and won’t learn much.
Do reward them for good behaviors. When your puppy does something well – like peeing or pooping outside, make sure you give him that special treat. This way, he will associate this with peeing outside and will be more likely to do it again. This technique is also great for controlling play-biting, chewing on their leash, etc.
Do be kind but firm. Sometimes they need a bit firmness in your voice just to get them back on track.
Do walk him every day and give him plenty of space to run and exercise. Physical activity is crucial for healthy development.
Do be consistent with your rewards and expectations. Your pooch might get confused if you are inconsistent.
Do be patient and tolerant. Don’t go bananas if they don’t get it right away. Dogs are smart, they’ll learn.
Do react immediately if you don’t approve their behavior. Dogs live in the present, so they won’t understand if you punish them for something they did hours or even minutes ago.
Do keep your training sessions short. Your puppy’s attention span is quite short, so it’s much more effective if you have several shorter sessions a day, rather than a long one.
Do socialize your puppy and introduce them to other puppies and dog. It’s best to socialize them while they are still very young, so that they learn to be comfortable around other dogs.
Don’t ever be rough to pup when he/she approaches you. They may remember that and associate that with you. So, next time you call them they may hesitate before coming to you. Don’t let your pooch fear you.
Don’t let your puppy forget what they’ve been thought. If you taught you pup, say, to bring you a Frisbee back, repeat that every once in a while so that they don’t forget it.
Don’t set your expectations too high – give your puppy some time.
Don’t get all fired up while training.
Don’t scream at your dog. He can hear you quite well, and yelling won’t help.
Don’t frustrate your dog by ignoring him. If s/he doesn’t do what you want them to do, that’s not a way to go.
Don’t reward your dog when s/he does something wrong. This way s/he’ll never learn.
Don’t expect your dog to understand what you’re saying. They don’t speak your language. That’s why you’re training them in the first place.
Don’t repeat yourself over and over again. This way your puppy will basically classify your commands as ‘spam’ and will learn to ignore it.
Don’t give up easily. Proper training takes time and patience.
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